Many Survivors Of Lymphoma Did Not Receive A Recommendation To Take Further Tests For Other Types Of Cancer.
Many Hodgkin lymphoma survivors don't admit recommended support screening tests for other cancers, a redone examine finds. "Most Hodgkin lymphoma patients are cured, but they can be at endanger many years later of developing derivative cancers or other unpunctually effects of their primary treatment malaysia. This is why quality of follow-up care post-treatment is so important," dominant investigator Dr David Hodgson, a dispersal oncologist at the Princess Margaret Hospital Cancer Program in Toronto, Canada, said in a University Health Network dope release.
He and his colleagues followed 2071 survivors for up to 15 years after Hodgkin lymphoma diagnosis and found that 62,5 percent were not screened for colorectal cancer, 32,3 percent were not screened for core cancer, and 19,9 percent were not screened for cervical cancer. "Our results indicate that the optimal consolidation heedfulness did not happen, even though most patients had visits with both a immediate worry provider and an oncologist in years two through five.