Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Exercise.
Easing fears that worry may heighten symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome is important in efforts to prevent disability in people with the condition, a late study says. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a complex condition, characterized by irresistible fatigue that is not improved by bed rest, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Treatments are aimed at reducing patients' weakness and improving real function, such as the skill to walk and do everyday tasks A previous deliberate over found that people with chronic fatigue syndrome benefit from two types of counseling: cognitive behavioral therapy, or graded disturb therapy, a individualized and gradually increasing exercise program.
This unknown study looked at how the two approaches can help patients. "By identifying the mechanisms whereby some patients advance from treatment, we fancy that this will allow treatments to be developed, improved or optimized," said studio leader Trudie Chalder, a professor of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy at King's College London in England. The researchers found that the most high-ranking representative was easing patients' fears that increased limber up or activity will make their symptoms worse.